SiteGraph Extension

The SiteGraph extension adds a <sitegraph> parser tag, which is used to create site graphs based on GraphViz.

It is released under .


  1. Download SiteGraph.php and place it under $IP/extensions/SiteGraph/
  2. Download Graphviz.php along with the SWIG-generated gv.php and place it under $IP/extensions/Graphviz/
  3. Enable the extension by adding these lines to your LocalSettings.php:


Once installed, you may utilize SiteGraph by adding the <sitegraph> tag to articles:

<sitegraph type="digraph" layout="neato">graph [  center=true,  fontname="Verdana",  bgcolor="transparent",  truecolor="true",  fontsize=12,  overlap="orthoyx",  splines="true",  pack="true",  sep="0.1",  dpi=62,  ratio="compress",  epsilon="0.001",];
edge [  fontsize=12,  arrowsize=0.5,  len=0.5];
node [  fontsize=12,  shape="plaintext",  height=0.25,  width=0.25,  fontcolor=blue,];</sitegraph>

You can see an example at's site graph.


  • 1.0.0: Initial release.
Copyright © Kenny Root. All rights reserved.