Tinyfugue smart quotes

I have reproduced below my Tinyfugue bindings to allow me to paste in various webpages which might use smart quotes or other non-7-bit-ASCII entities. Note: this won't work with my Tinyfugue UTF-8 patches!

/unbind ^[b/bind ^[b^[^@^[^B = /input */bind ^[b^[^@^[^F = /input .../bind ^[b^[^@^[^P = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^Q = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^R = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^S = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^T = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^U = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[^V = /input ||/bind ^[b^[^@^[^W = /input =/bind ^[b^[^@^[^X = /input `/bind ^[b^[^@^[^Y = /input '/bind ^[b^[^@^[^Z = /input '/bind ^[b^[^@^[^[ = /input `/bind ^[b^[^@^[^\ = /input "/bind ^[b^[^@^[^] = /input "/bind ^[b^[^@^[^^ = /input "/bind ^[b^[^@^[^_ = /input "/bind ^[b^[^@^[^` = /input +/bind ^[b^[^@^[! = /input +/bind ^[b^[^@^[" = /input */bind ^[b^[^@^[# = /input */bind ^[b^[^@^[$ = /input ./bind ^[b^[^@^[% = /input ../bind ^[b^[^@^[& = /input .../bind ^[b^[^@^[' = /input -/bind ^[b^[^@^[2 = /input '/bind ^[b^[^@^[3 = /input ''/bind ^[b^[^@^[4 = /input '''/bind ^[b^[^@^[5 = /input `/bind ^[b^[^@^[6 = /input ``/bind ^[b^[^@^[7 = /input ```/bind ^[b^[^@^[8 = /input ^/bind ^[b^[^@^[9 = /input </bind ^[b^[^@^[: = /input >/bind ^[b^[^@^[; = /input */bind ^[b^[^@^[< = /input !!/bind ^[b^[^A^[^B = /input ***/bind ^[b^[^A^[^C = /input -/bind ^[b^[^A^[^D = /input //bind ^[b^[^A^[^E = /input [/bind ^[b^[^A^[^F = /input ]/bind ^[b^[^A^[^G = /input ??/bind ^[b^[^A^[^H = /input ?!/bind ^[b^[^A^[^I = /input !?/bind ^[b^[^B^[, = /test input(" Euros ")/bind ^[b^[^D^[" = /input (TM)/bind ^[b^[^F^[^P = /input <-/bind ^[b^[^F^[^R = /input ->/bind ^[b^[^H^[< = /input ~/bind ^[B^[+ = /input <</bind ^[B^[; = /input >>/bind ^[B^[. = /input (R)/bind ^[B^[) = /input (C)/bind ^[C^[^W = /input x/bind ^[K^[^\ = /input ~/bind ^[B^[< = /test input(" 1/4 ")/def -i -b"^[B^[=" = /test input(" 1/2 ")/bind ^[B^[> = /test input(" 3/4 ")/bind ^[B^[# = /input GBP/bind ^[B^[" = /test input(" cents ")/bind ^[B^[0 = /test input(" degrees ")/bind ^[B^[1 = /input +/-/bind ^[B^[2 = /input ^(2)/bind ^[B^[3 = /input ^(3)/bind ^[B^[7 = /input *
Converter Source----------------
Here is the Perl script that I use to convert entities to bindstatements. Obviously you have to fill in what you want it to translateto.
use warnings;use strict;
while (my $input = <STDIN>) {        chomp $input;
        my @input = map { ord } split(//, $input);
        my $output = "";        foreach my $chr (@input) {                if ($chr >= 0x80) {                        $output .= "^[";                        $chr -= 0x80;                }                if ($chr <= 0x20) {                        $output .= "^";                        $chr += 0x40;                }                $output .= chr($chr);        }
        print "/bind " . $output . " = /input \n";}

Kenny Root

Copyright © Kenny Root. All rights reserved.