This is an algorithm from an interview question a friend had at It stumped him, but I wrote this program to show him how to solve it afterwards.
/* combi-kr.c** Written by Kenny Root, 2007/06/28**** Find subsets of a set of numbers that sum to a target value.**** To get more verbose output, compile with -DDEBUG set.*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
int combination (int *, int, int, int, int *);int total;int *input;
#ifdef DEBUGint overall = 1;#endif
intmain (){ int i, a, count = 0; int *stack; int target;
printf ("How many numbers do you want to enter? "); scanf ("%d", &total); input = malloc (sizeof (int) * total); stack = malloc (sizeof (int) * total);
printf ("What should the sum be? "); scanf ("%d", &target);
printf ("Enter string of %d numbers separated by a space:\n", total); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { scanf ("%d", &a); input[i] = a; } printf ("\n");
count = combination (input, total, target, 0, stack); printf ("There are %d sets of numbers that sum to %d.\n", count, target);}
intcombination (int *numbers, int len, int compare_value, int depth, int *stack){ int i; int count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (numbers[i] == compare_value) { ++count;#ifdef DEBUG int x, y = 0;
stack[depth] = i + (total - len);
/* Print out the stack match for debugging purposes. */ printf ("Match %-3d: ", overall++);
for (x = 0; x < total; x++) { if (y <= depth && stack[y] == x) { printf ("[%d] ", input[x]); ++y; } else { printf (" %d ", input[x]); } } printf ("\n");#endif /* DEBUG */ } else if (numbers[i] < compare_value) {#ifdef DEBUG stack[depth] = i + (total - len);#endif /* DEBUG */
count += combination (numbers + i + 1, len - i - 1, compare_value - numbers[i], depth + 1, stack); } }
return count;}